Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Alas... Time to Go Home

It is my last day in Australia. Yesterday I finally went to the Sydney Opera House and got to the see the two sides that I could never see from the ferry. We made a full circle around the building and quickly discovered that the white shell-like roofs that make the opera house so famous are also quite reflective. Trying to look right at them at noon was like trying to stare directly at the sun. So rather than trying too hard, I just pointed my camera and hoped for a good picture.

After our walkabout the opera house, we headed to The Rocks. This is the most historical part of Sydney where the settlers (aka criminals) set up camp upon their arrival to this most remote of prisons. Many of the homes have been beautifully restored and converted into store fronts. We spent some time in one that had been converted into an art gallery. After leaving the store we learned that the gentleman that lived there was a carpenter that specialized in making coffins... I guess someone has to do it.

After completing our last walkabout in Sydney we took the ferry back to Paul's flat and relaxed for a while before taking him and Melissa out for dinner. Since we're in Australia we thought we should really have a nice traditional meal for our last night... Japanese and Spanish Tapas.

We will be heading to the airport today at midday (a.k.a. noon) for our 2:45 flight at which time we will miraculously travel back in time to San Francisco where we are scheduled to arrive at 11:00 AM. Not a bad trick for our last day. All in all, my time in Sydney has been a blast and hopefully I will be able to make a return trip one of these days to check out all of the famous Australian sites I missed on this short vacation like Ayers Rock and the Great Barrier Reef. I'll be adding photos to all of these reports once I return home.

Thanks for reading!

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