Monday, September 3, 2012

An Afternoon in Singapore

No trip to India would be complete without an 8 hour layover in Singapore, right?  Obviously extending the already long travel time by an additional 8 hours might seem terrible but at least it gave me the opportunity to check out another country, albeit briefly.

We quickly realized that the clothes that we wore on the airplane with the goal of keeping us warm on the red-eye flight to asia were not ideal for the 88 degree, 100% humidity weather that exists year-round in Singapore.  Before we even saw our first sight, we were already sweating and looking for a way to escape the heat.  We sucked it up long enough to traverse a pretty cool foot bridge but then found our way inside of one of the many malls we found in Singapore.

After cooling off and getting a bite to eat, we headed back into the heat to check out the brand new park, Gardens by the Bay.  While the park opened about two months ago, it was clearly not yet complete.  That being said, we did get a spectacular 360 degree view of Singapore from up on the canopy foot bridge.

Next stop was China town. Unfortunately, it was very similar to a much hotter version of San Francisco's China town so we quickly ditched it in favor of a Singapore sling before heading back to the aiport to resume our journey to India.

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