Saturday, September 12, 2015

Buenos Aires

Our days in Buenos Aires were far more relaxing than I expected. Our first day we bought some groceries and then just lounged around the apartment (still recovering from Mendoza and our early morning flight). We had dinner reservations so eventually we motivated enough to get dressed and head out. 

Dinner was an eight course tasting menu with wine pairings. In other words, we followed up two full days of drinking with seven plus glasses of wine with dinner. The food was fabulous and the restaurant was nice enough to swap out seafood for Dan and I with equally delicious foods.

As a result of our night out, we took advantage of the blackout blinds in our rooms and slept in rather late. Given the gloomy, rainy weather on day two, we opted to check out the Recolleta cemetery. Finding the cemetery itself was much easier than finding the entrance but once we did we made our pilgrimage to Evita's tomb. I was a bit surprised to find it adorned with flowers left by other pilgrims but happy to discover no tears on the cheeks of other visitors (she would have hated that).

By this point we were rather wet so we made our way to a nearby cafe for a late lunch. We hung out at the cafe for several hours hoping for the rain to let up. It didn't so we venture back out in the rain. Dan headed home while Holly and I headed to a tango shoe store so that she could buy shoes prior to our upcoming tango lesson. Once in the store, I had to buy some new dance shoes too. They had so many more options than I've found in dance shoe stores in the US. 

The rain caused us to be a little late to our tango lesson but we caught on quick (or at least looked good in our new shoes). Even though we were only slowing gliding across the floor, we warned up quickly and had a great time. Now we just need to find more classes when we get home. 

After class we met up with Dan for dinner and another tasting menu (this time, 16 courses). We decided to skip the optional wine pairings this time and just order by the glass. By the time we finished dinner it was 12:30. We felt like real Argentineans. 

Days 3 and 4 started similar to the previous. Sleep in late and then take the subway into town. We were awed by the bookstore in a converted theater. Exercised our pinkies during high tea. Shivered as we browsed antiques in a poorly insulated warehouse. 

We finished of our trip with one final tango lesson followed by a tango show. During the show, we realized just how beginner our classes were. I'm not sure my feet are capable of moving fast enough to master the dance but I'm willing to try a few more lessons. Perhaps I will have to return to Argentina some day to see if I'm successful. Now back to the real world.

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