Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Golden Pavilion, Take 2

We decided to sleep in on our second night Kyoto and take a more relaxed approach to seeing the city. Since we missed the Golden Pavilion during our city tour, we decided to head there first. It started raining, so after we got off the train, we decided to haul a cab rather than figure out the bus route.

By the time we arrived at the pavilion, the rain turned in to the most beautiful, fluffy snowflakes. I was so excited that I was going to have the chance to see the pavilion in the snow after all. Since it was Monday, and the was not any able in the forecast, the crowds were nothing like they were the day before. We were able to get some great shots of this magical place. Almost immediately after leaving, the snow stored and the sun came out. Had we arrived ten minutes earlier or later, we would have missed it altogether.

After the pavilion, we headed to the Nishiki market. Given that the snow stopped, we opted to try navigating the bus to get there. Thankfully, Google helped us along the way. It is amazing how much easier it had been to navigate Japan in the Google/smartphone era than it was when I was here years ago.

We walked up and down the stalls of the market for a while, but I think the go go go schedule we've been on caught up with us a bit so we decided to catch a nap before heading out to the Gion district for dinner.

Gion is known for geishas, but I think they were hiding out from the rain. We only caught a couple glimpses, nothing long enough for a photo shoot. We did find a great yakitori spot for dinner before heading back to our hotel in order to get ready for our to to Tokyo.

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